JSR Akademy – Digital Marketing Trainer 262 views

Company Profile

It is an established fact that nowadays students after completing their education opt for competitive exams preparation to secure a job in Government or banks, which not only benefits with good pay scale but also with job stability. The level of comfort, as well as the prestige and security of a government job, has no match. These days lots of graduates as well as postgraduates opt for various government jobs instead of choosing the private sector. And the most interesting fact is that there is no particular stream or profession from which candidates are getting attracted towards government jobs.

Skills Required

  • Good knowledge in all digital marketing channels like SEO, PPC, Social Media, Ads Campaign, Email Marketing, Content Writing, etc.
  • Hands-on Training Experience (Added Advantage).
  • Ability to explain complex concepts in Simple terms.
  • Conduct Webinars/demo classes for our students.
  • Treat Students With Respect.

Company name: JSR Akademy

Website: http://www.jsriasacademy.com/About.html

Salary:  ₹12,000 – ₹18,000 a month

Experience: 1 – 3 years

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